LAI Baltimore Member
Klaus Philipsen, FAIA
Writes two blogs, one Baltimore centric and one more general/national/international.
Examples include:
- Recent LAI Baltimore Program held on February 19 about vacant houses prompted a blog topic: Baltimore Vacant Houses: Finally Progress and a Viable Plan!
- And, he was invited by ULI to speak about the potential of a failing mall in Baltimore County to become a successful Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and appointed to a Redevelopment Authority which includes a 100-acre failing Mall, motivated him to outline what it takes to transform a mall into an attractive mixed-use, a town-center, or a TOD. Beyond the Mall: Creating Authentic Town-Centers and Transit Hubs
Klaus Philipsen is president of ArchPlan Inc., an architecture and urban design firm in Baltimore specializing in award winning community revitalization, adaptive re-use, historic preservation and transportation projects since 1992. He writes as a passion and has connected the love of the word with his professional experience as a freelance writer for local newspapers, and as a blogger on urban design, planning, architecture and transportation. He received a five year degree of architecture at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He also worked as an architect and planner in Stuttgart, Germany London, England before coming to the US in 1986. He has taught architecture and urban design as adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland and at Morgan State University, is a frequent speaker at international, national, regional and local events and an occasional contributor on local radio.
Klaus Philipsen FAIA
ArchPlan Inc.
1100 Wicomico Street, Ste 330
Baltimore, MD 21230
T: 410.493.6239