We recognize professional excellence through the presentation of prestigious international awards.

The Lambda Alpha International awards honor men and women—both members and non-members—who have notably advanced the field of land economics through their achievements and service to their profession, community and chapter.  Awards including: International Urban Affairs/Public Official Award; International Member of the Year Award; International Journalist/Author Award; Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award, International Fellow Award, and the International Skyline Award. https://www.lai.org/awards

We plan to present a special Baltimore Chapter Award to a very special Chapter Member at our Annual Meeting on November 20, 2024.

2023 Chapter Member of the Year: Kim LiPira

2022 Chapter Member of the Year: Toni Y. Prince

2022 Chapter Distinguished Service: Nicole Scola McGlynn

2021 Chapter Member of the Year: Matthew Kimball

2020 Chapter Member of the Year: Nathan Betnun

2019 Chapter Member of the Year: Jim Leanos

2018 Chapter Member of the Year: Susannah Bergmann

2017 Chapter Member of the Year: Rachel Edds






2017 Special Baltimore Chapter Awardee: Transform Baltimore

Baltimore Chapter celebrates its 25th Year with its special 2017 Awardees

2016 Chapter Member of the Year: Josef Nathanson

2013 Chapter Member of the Year: David B. Rudow, P. A.

2010 Chapter Member of the Year: Ackneil M. Muldrow II

The International Member of the Year Award

This award is selected from Chapter nominations of Chapter Member of the Year honorees for the current or prior year by the International Awards Committee and will be based upon commitment to Lambda Alpha, to the nominee’s profession and to land economics with respect to achievement in the private or public sectors, research or education.

2010 Ackneil M. Muldrow, II

2021 Rachel Edds

The Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award

This award is presented to the person who has achieved excellence within the academic world in the field of land economics or one of its constituent disciplines.

2018 Margaret McFarland, JD, University of Maryland Colvin Institute of Real Estate

2007 Dr. Michael A. Anikeeff, Johns Hopkins University


The Gerald D. Hines International Humanitarian Award

This award is presented to a person who has or had a vision for what his or her community could become in the future, and the ability to see what was needed to achieve that vision, then marshaled the resources and helped direct the activity to accomplish the goal, often working behind the scenes and out of the public’s attention. That person most likely has also served as a mentor to other individuals who helped carry out the initial vision.

2001 Carl William “Bill” Struever

The International Skyline Award

This award recognizes a project or policy identified by the Baltimore Chapter – and vetted by the International Awards Committee – that was presented at the 2018 Baltimore Land Economics Weekend (LEW). The Skyline Award is normally made to a project or policy and is usually presented to an agency, firm or institution based on the following criteria: Recognizing noteworthy and commendable instances of the practical application of the principles of land economics in the preservation, development or utilization of our land resources.


2018 Harbor Point Baltimore by Beatty Development