LAI Baltimore Member Ernst Valery Baltimore Sun Station North Apartments

Station North developer presents apartment plans April 16, 2015 The Baltimore Sun “Construction of an eight-story apartment building sheathed in contemporary metal with gallery space and a Milk & Honey market on the ground floor could start in Station North by the end of the year,

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LAI Baltimore Member Evans Paull awarded Lifetime Achievement Award

2015 March LAI Baltimore Member Evans-Paull Lifetime Achievement Award Evans Paull Principal, Redevelopment Economics The National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP) presented Evans Paull with an award for “Lifetime Achievement as an Innovative Thought Leader in Brownfields Redevelopment and Community Revitalization” at the national brownfields

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LAI Baltimore Member Evans Paull Baltimore Sun Harbor Point a model for brownfield revitalization

Harbor Point a model for brownfield revitalization [Commentary] February 27, 2014 The Baltimore Sun By Evans Paull “Cities around the world are working to revitalize brownfield sites — areas where redevelopment or reuse may be complicated by some kind of contaminant — particularly in former waterfront

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