Dr. Brett Theodos
Senior Fellow and Director
The Community Economic Development Hub
Dr. Theodos directs the Community Economic Development Hub at the Urban Institute where he is a senior fellow. Dr. Theodos is a leading researcher in mission finance, place-based development, and small business outcomes. His work includes studies of the SBA and other small business loan and investment programs, the Economic Development Administration, Opportunity Zones, New Markets Tax Credits, the Community Development Block Grant and Section 108 program, and Choice Neighborhoods programs. He has evaluated large place-based initiatives in Atlanta, Baltimore, and San Diego. He is studying how capital flows (or fails to flow) into communities, and the roles of the public sector, philanthropy, and nonprofits like CDFIs. Dr. Theodos helped start and serves on the Board of the Douglass Community Land Trust in Washington DC, and serves on the boards of the Housing Authority of Prince George’s County MD and the Center for Community Progress.